MT 3.14

I spent the evening having a good look round a test installation of Movable Type 3.14. It is a much cleaner version than 2.661, and seems to have much better features. WordPress meanwhile is on its way from 1.2.2 to 1.5.






7 responses to “MT 3.14”

  1. niall avatar

    You still not finished the Gallic Wars yet, gav?

  2. Rosario avatar

    Hi Gavin love your Blog and usually enjoy it but unfortunately today you might as well be writing in Japanese as I have not got a Bull about what this post means. Looking forward to more ordinary topics.

  3. Gavin avatar

    Niall, unfortunately I have been spending way too much time reading blogs, and have been neglecting poor Caesar. I have since taken to the Iliad, which I hope to blog a bit about as I go along. Don’t hold me to that though. Rosario cheers, its just blog software stuff, I’ll try and post something more interesting later!

  4. AnaPF avatar

    Is there anyway I can get in touch with you?
    Wanna talk to you! 🙂

  5. Gavin avatar

    Er my email is on the top right of the screen, whoever you may be…

  6. laura avatar

    just out of curiosity Gavin, would you go back to MT? didn’t you use it before?

  7. Gavin avatar

    I am having a look, I really miss some of the features (like trackback that works) in MT. I, unlike many people it seems, successfully exported my wordpress archives into a format that MT import understands. This means I can switch between the two as I please – for the current releases anyway. Now that MT has dynamic updating I will consider it, the original reason for my move to wordpress was that rebuilds of posts in MT were becoming increasingly slow, and timing out my server.