Blogs from Iraq

Just some random links to blogs from Americans in Iraq. Go take a look.

I have pointed to Armor Geddon before, but go back, great first hand accounts from an M1A1 Abrams tank commander.

I Should Have Stayed Home
…is by two contractors working in Iraq.
Cigars in the Sand is an advisor on border security, interesting that the route between the Airport in Baghdad and the Green Zone is calledRoute Irish. Great photos too.
Matt Sherman has some great photos as well.

The Mudville Gazette has links to more Milbloggers.







6 responses to “Blogs from Iraq”

  1. Ryan avatar

    And I’m Irish too.

  2. Tom Raftery avatar

    It’s scary just how gung-ho some of these accounts are. You’d wonder if they were defending their own country and families rather than an occupying force, would they be so carefree.

  3. Ryan avatar


    And which comments would those be? FYI, not one of the above-listed blogs is written by a member of the armed forces. Rather, they are written by civilians who are putting there lives on the line every day to work to make Iraq a better place for Iraqis.

    Forgive us if we are a little bit excited to have witnessed history in the making, and were able to make a small contribution to it.

    What did you do for freedom today?

  4. Ryan avatar

    Correction: I was referring to the last 3 blogs; the first blog mentioned is a milblogger. My apologies.

  5. Gavin avatar

    I should say that I use the term milbloggers lightly, perhaps I should have been more clear on that.

  6. ecdistributions avatar

    A new discovery about freedom in Iraq

    The Iraqi people are hungry for democratic freedom and willing to die for it. Many Americans however are voting for the opposite contrast of freedom called socialism this year. Annalists are already predicting a huge sweep of leftists coming into both the U.S. house and senate on the coat tails of the white house this fall. These leftists openly consider christian patriots the enemy of their state even above the terrorists. These people are itching to pass the fairness doctrine to put an end to conservative talk radio. They are already targeting hate legislation aimed directly against all American patriots. They plan a massive overhaul of the judicial system to impose legislation against 1st and 2nd amendment rights.

    McCain will make the Iraq war the central issue of this campaign because Obama promises to withdraw our troops regardless if the terrorists declare victory. Christians may have one last chance to grandstand against another Vietnam and the establishment of an anti christian socialistic state in America. But there is now a
    new hope!

    A new biblical discovery has just been released into the market bringing a miraculous prophecy about Iraq. There are a large number of biblical scriptures which have passed silently under the radar until now.

    Iraq is to be freed by a great eagle wings in the latter day prophecy! This is welcome news coming straight from the Bible just before the election. Most Americans still believe in Bible prophecy above political persuasions.

    If the war in Iraq represents Gods will actually predicted in Bible prophecy, this may be our chance to unify christians and patriots before this critical election takes place. Obama claims to be a good christian. Could he now become exposed publically for apposing “the great eagle” freeing Iraq in Bible prophecy?
    A Salem christian group published an important press release concerning this true Biblical discovery! This stunning declaration comes from one of the most reputable christian publishers in America…

    One critic asked the author how he could possibly announce a discovery about 9/11 and Iraq in Bible prophecy?
    “Aren’t you exploiting thousands of American deaths within this current war and 9/11 just to sell a book?”

    Author..” “That is my greatest consulation! Many people including veterans are purchasing this book witnessing biblical references which prove my research has a foundation in true prophecy. People are witnessing biblical prophecies unfold before their eyes concerning Iraq being freed by modern eagle. announces on their web sight they have sold out this book and are now ordering more!”
    “There are no unsatisfied customers complaining of not receiving any thing less than promised from the author.” “There are steady reports of people finding far more than what they ever expected possible.

    It would be unforgivable for any author to promise something like this to exploit a national tragedy for book sales.” Many lives have been lost including families with children having lost their parents. This author is not letting people down who purchase this book in good faith. We are delivering a true message taken from biblical prophets directed for our time. “I have four children of my own, if my book were to become exposed as a manipulation of biblical text such would forever mark my children’s name as well as my own.” I actually

    found this message in which I am claiming.

    I have been blessed to have discovered such a wonderful message deliberately placed into the Bible which

    might unite believers together before this election. I need your help because the media ignores everything concerning this discovery. It is very hard to believe this yourself until you witness it first hand.

    Author of this book,
    Paul Gregersen

    Listen now to an educated critic and his expert opinion regarding this miraclulous book.

    “Reading this particular book has made me aware of how christians have come to accept biblical spin and less than honest interpretations when reading books on Bible prophecy.” When I started reading “Bible prophecies of 9 – 11” the whole idea of 9 – 11 and Iraq being in Bible prophecy admittedly was quite appealing to me.

    But it seemed very far fetched and I fully expected to discover another fiction story cleverly masked behind a another “new” biblical declaration. I fully expected to see the familiar hand picking of quotes deliberately coming from the authors’ selection of unrelated texts to manipulate the meaning of Bible text. I’ve learned that it is a common trick to cleverly combine unrelated verses from separated biblical context in order to stretch readers’ perception beyond the original focus toward the authors’ conclusions, creating the appearance that authors conclusions are also supported by the Bible.

    My first surprise while reading this book was to see this author approach things quite differently by laying a biblical foundation from Adam and Eve with the tree of life story, establishing common threads for his entire biblical claim. As the first chapters began to build solidly on biblical themes I quickly realized this particular author was either seriously attempting to link legitimate patterns of bible prophecy, or he was using an even more clever deception to mislead me. This author surprisingly understood the procedure to outline proper types and shadows and stay within one context while linking proper biblical themes. Since the author was not spinning I suspected that he would postpone taking of his liberties until he would be forced into a corner having to demonstrate 9 – 11 towers falling and eagle’s wings into modern Iraq.

    To my surprise the transition was smooth and never broke context or prophetic flow. Not only was 9 – 11 coming straight from the Bible but almost every highly specific detail, including the number of planes that hit each target, was referenced in the Bible with numerous exact details specifically related to 9 – 11. This book does not just stop there, but continued to unwind the scenario of America going to Iraq spelling out the exact manner of Saddam’s capture and execution. This was a highly unusual book! This book was based on what was written in the Bible and relied solely upon that premise. How do I react to this other than try to convince someone to read it and find out? I feel concerned that christians are so used to being tricked by each cry of wolf that when the real thing appears there will be a little comprehension that something amazing has occurred. I have wracked my mind as to how this could have possibly been fixed and there is no possible way other than Gods prophets deliberately sent us this intentional message about Iraq and 9 – 11. Ross David
