500,000 visits

My sitemeter passed the half a million mark today, in almost exactly two years. Wohoo! Though it should be noted most of those people dropped in from Google or MSN, and then left. Oh and a sizeable portion came looking for controversial videos, or stuff relating to Eminem. But then I do make all of this public anyway, so go check the stats if you are curious.






4 responses to “500,000 visits”

  1. Young Irelander avatar

    Congratulations,Gavin.Any tips for blogger newbies like myself?

  2. Twenty Major avatar

    YI – tell more jokes in the style of Frank Carson. That’s bound to pull in the readers.

  3. fmk avatar

    what’t the number – hits, pages, sessions or unique visitors? internet stats totally confuse me

  4. Gavin avatar

    No tips besides keep on blogging, and venture into your own domain or a typepad account if you really like blogging. The number is not hits, I think last time I looked the hitcount was somewhere at 3 million or something, the page views figures is 710,000. The 500,000 figure is basically unique/individual visits, but a % would be return visits.