Dublin trip

I am off to Dublin today folks – posting will be relatively light. Though if I hear any more on the events in Cork I will blog them. I am looking forward to meeting the good people from the Freedom Institute, Richard buying me my award pints, and getting to the final film at the Dublin Film Festival on Sunday.






4 responses to “Dublin trip”

  1. fmk avatar

    saw the life acquatic a couple of weeks ago. bill murray is wonderful, but i think wes has been given a little too much rope on this one.

  2. mish avatar

    looking fwd to seeing this one too gavin, so do let us know how it goes.

  3. Harry Rea avatar

    The Taoiseach has set up an All-Party Oireachtas Committee on the Constitution to review Articles 40.3, 41 and 42 which recognise inter alia the natural rights of the People of Ireland in the context of Family and Education.

    In case anyone needs reminding the Constitution exists specifically to recognise and protect these rights of the People from interference or regulation by the state.

    It is a very questionable exercise therefore when the state itself, without prompting from the people, initiates changes to the Constitution which will reduce the ability of Families to protect themselves from the state!

  4. Philip O'Sullivan avatar

    Hi Gavin, great seeing you Friday night. Hope you got home ok, and talk to you soon.