Happy Birthday to me!

Another day, another entry, and I’m 24 today!

And what better way to celebrate a birthday than to do some blog research…if you are reading this please do leave a comment I am curious to know the turnover of readers almost 3 years after I started this blog.






26 responses to “Happy Birthday to me!”

  1. funnyfanny avatar

    congrats on u hitting 24 years on this planet.did u do anything mad to celebrate ?

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Not yet im not even an hour into it yet..hehe

  3. Liam Burke avatar

    Happy Birthday- Have a good one!

  4. Dick OBrien avatar

    Happy Birthday Gavin. You’re playing a stormer.

  5. that girl avatar

    Happy Birthday Gavin – so young, so smart, so….have a good one!

  6. Twenty Major avatar

    Wow, you looked about 40 on the telly [smiley face]

    Happy birthday.

  7. Cloud avatar

    Happy birthday Gavin and keep up the good “work”!

  8. John avatar

    Happy birthday.

  9. Don Speekingleesh avatar
    Don Speekingleesh

    Happy birthday Gavin! You’re getting old now!

  10. ryan avatar

    What did I say the other day? Bit closer to quarter of a century… Old git! 🙂

  11. John Kushiner avatar

    Happy Birthday from across the pond. You’ve got a good head start on things young man. 😉
    I’m 27 – just let me tell you that the time between 24 and 27 goes by very very fast. Don’t blink and keep doing the fine work Gavin.

  12. Nova Lomibao avatar
    Nova Lomibao

    Gavy Baby!!!

    I bet you thought that I forgot all about you! I wouldn’t forget your Birthday for anything! Wish I was there to celebrate with you!I wanted to be the first person to wish you Happy Birthday on your blog but it looks like 11 other people already beat me to it!

    Hope you have a very Happy Birthday!

    luv Cheeky lil Tart xo

  13. Tom Raftery avatar

    Congrats Gavin,

    here’s to the next 24!


  14. Keith avatar

    Happy Burfday!

  15. Sinéad avatar

    Happy birthday Gavin – 24? You’re only a nipper. 🙂

  16. mari avatar

    happy birthday! gagimarjos 🙂 (testing your Georgian)

  17. Treasa avatar

    so young…it’s all out before you…Hope you’ve/you’d a good one.

  18. johnke avatar

    Hooray! Happy Birthday! Remember, this is the last year where you’ll be closer to 0 than 50. Make the most of it.

  19. Annie Burke avatar
    Annie Burke

    Happy birthday ! 🙂

  20. Marty avatar

    Just stumbled in and out. Added you to my adoptee blogroll. I’ll check back later!

    Good so far from what I’ve read.

  21. janine avatar

    belated birthday wishes gavin – i turn 25 next month so i’m still reeling from johnke’s comment – make the most of it indeed! 🙂

  22. Markham avatar

    25’s not all that bad.

    Alright, it’s fucking terrible! I wish I was 24 again.

  23. Paul avatar

    Oops, belated happy birthday Gavin! Hope you had a good un.

  24. gv avatar

    Best wishes! I’m usually popping in at least once a month.

  25. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thank you all for your kind comments!

  26. niall avatar

    Happy birthday (sorry, I was away…).