
If I were to start Podcasting, what basic equipment do people recommend? I am thinking a Net-MD recorder, along with a reasonably good mic. I have been reading up on it here. Thoughts anyone?






2 responses to “Podcasting”

  1. Liam Burke avatar

    It’s funny back in October not too many people were thinking about using a minidisc to record podcasts. I use a Net MD (MZ-N10), it’s simple to set up and record although the odd time it did overwrite a few items which can be a massive pain if you are recording a long show.

    The microphone I mostly use is this: http://tinyurl.com/9rx2z, it is expensive but picks up the sound really well. Although if the podcast is just going to be yourself sitting down any cheap microphone could do the trick.

    Also if you need storage space libsyn.com is the best value around by far.

    Anywho hope you get a podcast up and running soon. Be great to have a sixth Irish podcaster for us to listen to.

  2. Bernie avatar

    Liam should bring his kit to the Dublin blogger meeting because it’s the business.