Marketers take a shine to blogs

Can blogging help with marketing books? I am inclined to think I can, these guys tried it anyway:

Four journalists who brought news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy into U.S. living rooms in 1963 have found a new level of fame by using the Internet to market their book about the experience.

They are among a growing group of people exploring the potential of blogs, or Web logs, as a marketing tool and advertising venue.

“We’ve been around, but this is the first time we’ve been around in cyberspace,” said Bob Huffaker, a former reporter at CBS radio and television station KRLD in Dallas and one of the four authors of “When the News Went Live: Dallas 1963.”

Like other blogs, the one set up by Huffaker and co-author George Phenix features online musings to which visitors can respond. Besides entries on the book they wrote with former KRLD co-workers Bill Mercer and Wes Wise, the blog (http://dallas1963.typepad.comexternal link) features brief opinion pieces on public broadcasting, the Bush administration’s effort to privatize Social Security and the future of newspapers.

This month alone, Huffaker and Phenix’s blog has attracted 800 unique visitors — not blockbuster by any means, but a respectable draw in this medium.

The blog also gets prominent play in Web search results related to the Kennedy assassination, adding to the journalists’ reach.






One response to “Marketers take a shine to blogs”

  1. fmk avatar

    the bloggers shall inherit the earth? again? but don’t you think they ought to earn the property rights and not just inherit them by dint of the work of others?