Blogging Becomes A Corporate Job

A job in blogging, a new trend?

A small but growing number of businesses are hiring people to write blogs, otherwise known as Web logs, or frequently updated online journals. Companies are looking for candidates who can write in a conversational style about timely topics that would appeal to customers, clients and potential recruits.

“The blogs give us what we call a handshake with consumers, a bond of loyalty and mutual trust that’s different than the typical selling relationship, where it’s all about price,” Mr. Hirshberg says. “With the blogs, we are giving a little bit more access to us as a people with a mission.”

Is this a niche, or a sign of slightly bigger things to come?






One response to “Blogging Becomes A Corporate Job”

  1. `tea avatar

    Personally I’d write for a corporate ONLY if there was something about their product, ethics and mission statement that really aroused my passions. That’s half the clue behind good blog content: it has to be something that inspires passion enough to create the entry and ignite the same feeling in whoever reads it, whether colleagues or customers.

    It’s possible that the people I’d really want to write blogs for wouldn’t be able to pay me anyway: they’re likely to be in grassroot businesses or the non-profit sector. I wouldn’t want to write just another inhouse magazine or marketing gimmick masquerading as a “weblog”. If the suits think they can hijack the blog format for publicity per se, sans passion, then splat.