Google Wallet

Interesting news from the Wall Street Journal:

Google Inc. this year plans to offer an electronic-payment service that could help the Internet-search company diversify its revenue and may heighten competition with eBay Inc.’s PayPal unit, according to people familiar with the matter.

Exact details of the search company’s planned service are not known. But the knowledgeable people say it could have similarities with PayPal, which allows consumers to pay for purchases on Web sites by funding electronic-payment accounts from their credit cards or checking accounts. Some consumers like PayPal for the security it offers, since it allows them to share their banking or credit-card numbers only with PayPal without having to divulge the information to merchants.

It seems like a natural progession, especially given their existing payments system for adsense. When will they start an ebay rival?






2 responses to “Google Wallet”

  1. gsyi avatar

    Interesting news 😀

  2. Galide avatar

    Google is gearing up for a new online store service:

    – free hosting
    – free stats (URCHIN)
    – easy to set up payment system (the Google Wallet)
    – prodicts exported to Froogle
    – free £20 voucher for adwords..
    – account set for adsense
    – free gmail account to receive orders in your mailbox …