Blog Party


In case anyone who is new has trouble finding us, I will be wearing a blue shirt/brown slacks, and will be sitting or standing in the vicinity of the stairs, either at the top or bottom of them! Here is a picture of me, feel free to come up and say hi, I’ll try and introduce you to anyone else there!

Ok folks I hope you haven’t all forgotten! Dick, Jon and maybe Bernie will be there early – I should be there early too, depending on my travel time. I will post a pic of myself so that newcomers can at least recognise me and be introduced to some fellow bloggers – I will upate the original post and this post with a pic this evening!

If you are coming please drop me a mail to gavin AT gavinsblog DOT com!






5 responses to “Blog Party”

  1. Tom Raftery avatar

    Unfortunately I won’t be able to make it. Does the market Bar have WiFi and will anyone be blogging the event live?


  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    It does have Wifi, no idea if anyone is blogging it!

  3. janine avatar

    i’m still unsure of my plans at present but i’ll deffo try and pluck up the courage to drop in for a bit if i’m around town 🙂
    in any case, i hope it’s a great success. i certainly appreciate the effort you go to to try and get irish bloggers together – which seemingly ain’t that easy!

  4. Shipsea avatar

    Any chance that a party like this could be arranged in West Cork?!! Im completely new to this and would like to find out what its all about. Anyone in my vicinity that I could meet with/speak to?

  5. Rockerfeller avatar


    Great to meet you again (this time for a bit longer)to hear your pearls of wisdom from the horse’s mouth and also to meet some new faces. It is a pity more people couldn’t make it. It would certainly be great if we could make a habit of such meetings in a regular fashion, such as quarterly in the Market bar. I know for a fact I would be happy to travel elsewhere too – t’would be nice to get out of the Pale now and then 🙂