Windows Vista

So Microsoft have finally named the long, long, long awaited follow up to Windows XP. It is to be called Windows Vista. I think it’s a crap name to be honest, but then what do you expect from Microsoft?

They also had a little PR/hack do for the Xbox 360 in Dublin yesterday. The reports I watched were all journos getting hardons over a new fangled-game-thingy. I was livid – it was more like a free ad for Microsoft than a balanced view on new consoles. This ties in nicely with the current debate on the Irishblogs Yahoo Group about tech journos!

Hark if I only I could play all my games on an Apple, then my switch would be guaranteed.


El Reg seem to agree.






5 responses to “Windows Vista”

  1. John K avatar

    Yeah…Windows Vista is an incredibly unexciting name. The feature list is not very exciting either. One of the most noticeable features in Vista will be the revolving desktop concept similar to Mac’s Tiger OS (which I haven’t seen). I’m assuming the reason why MS is calling it Vista is because of the new desktop functionality and the way you’ll “see” and “view” your desktop.

    I think that Microsoft would have been incredibly well served if they had chosen a better name and had come up with some better variation on the revolving desktop concept. The whole marketing angle, the name and the feature list is pretty flat, if you ask me.

  2. EWI avatar

    “I think it’s a crap name to be honest, but then what do you expect from Microsoft?”

    Well, I think it’s quite appropriate.

    Hasta la vista, suckers! There, I think that’s about the gist of the MS message.

    “it was more like a free ad for Microsoft than a balanced view on new consoles. This ties in nicely with the current debate on the Irishblogs Yahoo Group about tech journos!”


    Would you, perchance, be thinking of a certain publication with the initials S.B.P. and a certain journalist therein, to be known as A.W.? 😉

  3. EWI avatar

    “One of the most noticeable features in Vista will be the revolving desktop concept similar to Mac’s Tiger OS (which I haven’t seen).”

    You mean Exposé? That was out in Panther, which came out… September 2003?

  4. Gerry O'Sullivan avatar

    Hark if I only I could play all my games on an Apple, then my switch would be guaranteed.

    Gavin, you can get the whole Mac experience for not a lot of outlay these days. Get a Mac mini for about €500, hook it up to your existing monitor, keyboard and mouse and away you go. You can still keep your PC for the games.

  5. EWI avatar

    “Gavin, you can get the whole Mac experience for not a lot of outlay these days. Get a Mac mini for about €500, hook it up to your existing monitor, keyboard and mouse and away you go. “

    Wait a week or two – the mini line is about to be refreshed.

    “You can still keep your PC for the games.”

    And the viruses and spyware (wipes away a solitary nostalgic tear)