New look

After seeing Rymus’ blog I decided to go with the same theme. Hope you all like the new look.

Does anyone have a suggestion for the headline picture?
And how do I make my archives list shorter? Perhaps a drop down thingy?






8 responses to “New look”

  1. Tom Raftery avatar

    Irish Rail. We’re not there yet, but we’re getting there! Soon! Honest!

  2. that girl avatar

    Love the new look Gavin, it befits the culchie in ya 😉

  3. Isa avatar

    cool theme you chose…i like it:)

  4. ryan avatar

    I like the new look…. you thieving scumbag 🙂

  5. Gavin Mendel-Gleason avatar

    Another Gavin (*me*) decided to use the same theme on this very day!

  6. Young Irelander avatar

    “Does anyone have a suggestion for the headline picture?”

    I would say something like “Keeping on track of events of the day”…

  7. Peáder avatar

    I would say looking at the state of the tracks on the masthead, perhaps “Gavin off the rails” might be a good place to start with a new title !!!!!!

  8. Sinéad avatar

    Gavin, nice work on the new look – very slick. And brown is *so* in at the moment. 🙂