Leaving Washington

I am impressed with Washington. I met some really nice people, had a very enjoyable stay, and will definately return. After the conference finished yesterday evening I hooked up with some nice people from the New America Foundation and others, and went to Steve Clemon’s house for some beers and conversation. Steve was pretty shattered from organising the conference but still managed to be an excellent host and a gent.

I also had a good chat with fellow blogger Juan Cole who invited me to guestblog with him over at Informed Comment, I will definately take him up on his offer. I had another good conversation with Dr Peter Neumann about the consequences and reasons for Irish Nice Treaty rejections, and how a new European constitution will be formed in the future.

And afterwards it was to the Fox and Hound for some more beers!

I did try and hook up with Richard Waghorne, who happens to be in town the same time as me, but due to technical difficulties we couldn’t quite get it together.

And of course there was Jonathan Smith, a fellow blogger and long time reader of my blog. He has posted photos over at his blog and detailed the night out.

Right now I am using the free Wifi in DuPoint circle, avoiding using the pay-for Wifi that Starbucks appear to offer here.

Good times in DC.






4 responses to “Leaving Washington”

  1. Daedalus avatar

    Fox and Hound- I go there quite often. Their Guinness tastes awful, though.

  2. preethi avatar

    glad that you enjoyed your visit. perhaps we’ll see you back at new america next summer.
    best of luck with your studies!

  3. Hans avatar



  4. Peter Nolan avatar

    “Juan Cole who invited me to guestblog with him over at Informed Comment, I will definately take him up on his offer”

    I’ll be certain to follow you over there.