Irish solicitors

Words can’t desribe. I should really go into a rant about the goings on with Irish solicitors and their clients, but I am so angry I can’t articulate my position right now. I can’t understand why this is not figuring more prominently on Irish blogs or in the media. Outright fraud, theft, whatever you want to call it, but it’s definately not ‘overcharging’. ‘Overcharging’ implies a mistake or an oversight – this was planned, pre-meditated theft of vulnerable people.

And the response?

One firm on Henry Street has put their proverbial hands up in the air – “Sorry we ‘overcharged’ and will refund our clients.”

As one caller to Liveline noted – if he went into his solicitors office in the morning and took €10,000 from the premises would the Gardai be called and him arrested, or, upon being caught, would he simply say, sorry about that here’s your money back, and walk out the door.

The crux of this issue seems to be that people believe this to be an isolated incident. It almost certainly is not, I have no doubt that this behaviour is endemic in the legal profession.

More later.






3 responses to “Irish solicitors”

  1. Toejam avatar

    Solicitors, Barristers or Lawyers. They have the power and as we all know power corrupts.

    Unfortunately, a great number of the legal profession have one other thing in common:

    You can ALWAYS tell when a lawyer is lying because his or her lips are moving.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan


  3. CB de SIUN avatar
    CB de SIUN

    I find it interesting that Joe Duffy has never bothered with Child Sex Abuse scandals until now. He also interviewed John Twomey from Outreach (a state sponsored body) who purported to be representing the victims. It’s very strange that the public have allowed this smokescreen to hide the state’s incompetence and lack of compassion for the victims of this abuse.
    Tomjam must also be a very rational person if he believes that a person becomes inherently evil once they receive a parchment. It is not a time for such idiotic thoughts. The victims are most important people in this situations not some preformed agendas held by Joe Duffy which have yet to be investigated fully.