Solicitor corruption

I just can’t understand the muted response in the media. Sunday morning radio shows barely mentioned it, Gerry Ryan mentioned in passing this morning. Indeed the Sunday papers I had a chance to look at yesterday barely figured it as part of their news or analysis agendas. The only person to have realised what has actually happened appears to be Pat ‘The Plank’ Kenny.

What are the reasons for the lack of anger and gusto on the part of the media? Are they scared of the solicitors? Afraid of libel allegations? Are people just not interested in solicitors stealing hundreds of thousands of euro from their clients?

Someone please explain.






2 responses to “Solicitor corruption”

  1. WindsandBreezes avatar

    I suspect it’s because no-one is all that surprised, to be honest with you.

  2. ssarmca avatar

    Visit our website. We do what the papers are scared to do. The
    Great Yarmouth Shame page names a number of solicitors and the MD barrister.

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