Ideas for the blog

I have been thinking about how to approach adding new content to the blog – I guess I have shortlisted in my mind a number of ideas.

Firstly, digests. A weekly Economist digest, with the best of its content (in my opinion anyway), with other periodical digests such as the Atlantic or FP, or indeed FA. Daily ones would be more time consuming and perhaps less beneficial to readers. But maybe a look at some of the comment sections in some of the papers.

Secondly, a podcast. I have oft threatened to start an audioblog, back in the day before ‘podcasting’ was coined, but never bothered my ass. I was thinking of a weekly discussion, perhaps 30 minutes, on either a given topic, or a selection of topics. All I need is the equipment. I would always try and have more than just me speaking, I sound incredibly boring.

Thirdly, a weekly column. I know that sounds weird given my ability to publish anything I like at any time. But I think setting oneself a target of a 1000 word rant column, is worthwhile. I never did congratulate Red Mum on her success in getting her own column.

What I should concentrate on I don’t know.






12 responses to “Ideas for the blog”

  1. Damien Mulley avatar

    Are there current affairs panel style podcasts floating around Ireland? Wouldn’t mind tuning into one of those on a weekly basis.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    That was my idea alright Damien…all I need is a panel of 3 other bloggers/or anyone, to discuss the weeks events or anything really..

  3. Simon McGarr avatar

    A Irish discussion panel- with a spread of views- would be good. I would add it to my very select set of three podcast subscriptions.

    But brains and stylish presentation required.

  4. Kevin avatar


    You could try get maybe a base of about 5 Irish current affairs bloggers and broadcast shows with a panal of say: yourself, one from the base and then a non-base guest blogger. Just a thought. It’s a cool idea and I could see it being quite popular.

  5. simon avatar

    Is there anyway to podcast a conference call over skype. THat would be the way to have a panel discussion. Even though I don’t have broadband Im in the sticks.(so if you do it have written transcripts please) I am probably the only blogger that doesn’t have it. So you could have your pick of Irish bloggers.

    or even combine podcasts into a current affairs magazine program. Where you could introduce reports and give your own. maybe 4 7 minutes reports on some issues a week.

    The colum is a good idea. 1000 words is not that hard if you know your subject and have a strong opinion on it.

  6. Damien Mulley avatar

    I like the two regulars and one or two guests format.

  7. niall avatar

    All three have a great deal of merit… But I’d be very interested in the idea of an irish political podcast. At the very least, just whilst you get started, an Alistair Cooke-style letter from Ireland wouldn’t go amiss.

  8. James Corbett avatar

    I have to agree with the others that this is a terrific idea Gavin and I’d definitely subscribe.

    If you haven’t already done so I’d recommend you listen to Steve Gillmor’s “Gilmor Gang” or the “TWITcast” to get an idea of the challenges involved, including in particular the problem of overlapping speakers.

  9. Bernie Goldbach avatar

    I think we could make a four-way panel work around the stuff that is percolating in the “mainstream” category of the Irish blogging aggregators.

    We have very high quality audio from Skype conference calls already when we record our weekly Digital Rights calls. We only need to hook the Skype call through a mixing desk and then we should have all the voices modulated at the best level.

  10. Sinéad avatar

    The discussion podcast sounds great, I’d be really interesting in listening to this. I think for variety, Damien’s suggestion of a couple of regulars and a a guest would work well.

  11. redmum avatar

    The panel idea sounds great and there have been big topics of the week so it could be very interesting indeed.

    And thanks for the congrats, I’m enjoying the experience:)

  12. Red Rover avatar

    late as always. I reckon the podcasts are an awesome idea. The radio/talk medium is certainly an MSM stronghold in current affairs.
    To start with the Mcloughlin group style of 3/4 regulars and guests as needed might ease the
    burden of finding suitable guests.
    The beauty of that idea is that a guestlist can be anyone.
    Also like the idea of a column. Its something ive been toying with too. I find posts can often blur ideas by their nature. A regular column has the potential to be a different beast.