Discussion podcast

Reaction has been quite positive to the idea of a podcast with a panel discussion, perhaps via Skype. I would probably use Audacity, but have yet to purchase a microphone – where is a good website for buying good quality mics in Ireland?






7 responses to “Discussion podcast”

  1. Sinéad avatar

    My other half is a sound engineer, I’ll quiz him and get back to you on this.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan


  3. brian greene avatar

    I use a Rode Broadcaster which is on sale in Ireland via BTS.ie for €316 bfn bhg

  4. simon avatar

    If you have a Iriver Mp3 player it has a dictaphone and saves to mp3.

    so it is a real podcast. a broadcast ineffect on a pod.

  5. Dermod Moore avatar

    I use a Sony headset and mike, cost me less than fifty quid sterling. I like Audacity but on my new computer it crashes mysteriously – it just disappears in the middle of an MP3 – literally vanishes. So I’ve forked out for WavePad and I’m delighted with it.

  6. Kevin avatar

    In my enthusiasm for this Podcast project, I never encouraged your weekly article idea. It’s a good idea that will be of benefit to both your readers (enjoyment) and yourself (discipline).

  7. Tony Allwright avatar


    Any old cheap microphone will do the trick. Just remember not to wiggle it when you’re recording lest you get spurious scratchings.

    As for recording software, I have for years been using Total Recorder (www.HighCriteria.com)which is FREE and very easy to use, whether for mike-recording, online recording or recording from another device (eg tape player).

    I use Audacity for editing, also free and easy.

    I’ll send you a copy of my annual CD (“Selection for 2006”), compiled as above, which goes out with my Christmas cards!