Poor student…

Does anyone know of any nice jobs one can do while studying? No jokes please! lol






13 responses to “Poor student…”

  1. Sinéad avatar

    I worked in a cinema when I was in college. Decent pay, flexible hours and free films!

  2. James Corbett avatar

    Went a bit mad in Dubai then Gavin? 😉 :p

  3. the Saint avatar

    try http://www.nixers.com/ I think they do alot of student orintated jobs.

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Just a bit!

  5. Caoimhe avatar

    You can answer calls to the ignorant, obnoxious public in a call centre?

    Soul destroying but pays the hairdressing bills…..

  6. Keith avatar

    Will an antirecommendation do? Don’t, don’t work in John Grace’s. I did, and it was nasty. The people who work there are fine, it’s dealing with drunks that’s bad.

    That, and people who are incapable of getting the the B’n’Bs into their mouths.

  7. Keith avatar

    Caoimhe, it appears something nasty’s happened to your blog.

  8. auds avatar

    Library stacker – never did it but apparently good pay. As is helping with disability services.

  9. Fiona avatar

    work in the library – that way every time parents/siblings call you can truthfully reassure them you’ve been in the library all day!!

  10. barry avatar

    working night shift security gives you tons of time to study, most places nowadays allow you unlimited access to the net with a hi-speed connection, well worth considering, and we,re hiring.

  11. Caoimhe avatar

    It died Keith…you must have missed the wake…

    My alter ego now blogs away without the intrusion of every real world person who managed to track me via google…

  12. tea avatar

    Another recommendation for library work. If there’s a vacancy for student shelver/pt library assistant on your campus, all the better.

  13. Caoimhe avatar

    Its also worth noting that my blog has since been taken over by pervert spams intent on sharing details about lesbian and anal sex with my friends and family………………

    Nothing to do with me of course…but if it rocks your boat…

    I hope their fingers drop off…! its a green blog too..grrrrrrrr