New look

Again copying Rymus, I have changed templates. I will decide on a suitable image for the header shortly. For now single entries appear to be displaying incorrectly in IE, when comments are there. Not sure how to fix it.






9 responses to “New look”

  1. Kevin avatar

    But for the comments link being on top, I’m liking it. It’s clean, but then, so was your last one. For a moment there, I thought the comments were messed up, but now that I find I’m already logged in, I realise they are anything but.

  2. Dave avatar

    Gavin, I’ve code that fixes the problem. If you scroll down to the bottom of the CSS file on my site there’s a fix for the i.e. display problem. It’s also in the K2 Bug-Tracker so it’ll be fixed before the final version of K2

  3. Keith avatar

    Nice, but a wee bit chilly.

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Yea I will be hoping to warm it up just a little Kevin!

  5. EWI avatar

    *Cool*. Would you care to go into the details of what this entailed, Gavin?

  6. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    The blue is quite cold…and the header changed to something different will warm the look up a bit. Of course I could add some porn links ala Caoimhe 😉

  7. Dave avatar

    Jesus did she delete her site too! God Damn another victory for the spammers, just like the Alive in Limerick thing I blogged about.

  8. Keith avatar

    Well, I guess students will do anything to earn a bit of cash these days. 🙂

  9. ryan avatar

    im such a trendsetter…