Google defies US over search data

This is indeed a curious turn of events.

The internet search engine Google is resisting efforts by the US Department of Justice to force it to hand over data about what people are looking for. Google was asked for information on the types of query submitted over a week, and the websites included in its index. The department wants the data to try to show in court it has the right approach in enforcing an online pornography law. It says the order will not violate personal privacy, but Google says it is too broad and threatens trade secrets.

Yahoo and MSN meanwhile, either admitted or tacitly admitted complying. What is Google protecting? Is it trade secrets?

Update: Dan Drezner adds his weighty two cents to the debate.







10 responses to “Google defies US over search data”

  1. John avatar

    Google didn’t defy China, though…

  2. BigBadWolf avatar

    Google’s petty ass forfeiture on integity by joining hands and censoring for China says one thing to me…

    They have no spine

    Their search portal integrity is now god damn mother fucking compromised.

    So, google ‘shapes’ the data it provides now ?

    Fuck that shit

    The only thing that brought me to google was a sleek interface, and well, the search algorithm which is pretty much NON-proprietary at this point.

    HOTBOT has remained what google has tried to copy.

    check it out

    been around before google, and will be around after google.

    The fat boys at google have each sold a ‘teeency weeency’ bit of stock to generate well over 1 Billion Dollars in cash for each of them.

    I ask anyone, what merits these mother fuckers to this kind of play dough ?

    DEC Fonts ? Oh my, they used colorful fonts.

    Sleek interface ? Oh my, they borrowed from Hotbot.

    Oh my, Censored media to communist governments so that they can be that candidate for the big china play down the road ?

    Fuck Google

    Fuck them to hell and back

    I don’t give a god damn mother fuck if they allow bicycles down the hallway in the workplace or not. Didn’t that Pet Food delivery via the Internet already have a basketball hoop and scooters in the office ?

    Who are these jokes taking fools money…

    You KNOW they are saying to themselves, gee, we’re raking in 19 GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BILLION DOLLARS for what ?

    that’s 19 god fucking damn BILLION WAYS YOU – YOU CHUM – ARE being exploited USING or BEING USED by their BAIT

    Google is BAIT anymore

    It’s ‘Shoot the Monkey Win Play Stayyyshuuun 3’ BAIT

    Google is piss ant BAIT to exploit you all conveniently in one place.







    19 billion fucking god damn ass dollars for the two founders – what the god damn fuck

    Yahoo was a fucking joke.

    Google is a bigger joke.

    I hear the real value of google can be found by zooming in at

    I’m fucking damn happy NASA told google parasites to go fuck their fat asses –

    Google should take their PETTY CLICK HERE business model trying to perpetuate the fucking year 2000 .com Sell lack therewithin business model, take $15 billion of the $19 Billion, buy a space shuttle and just maybe…

    Try Re-entry without a creative technical model into planet earth, I hope those fat fucks land in China and need to google directions.

  3. fede avatar

    fuck censors!!

  4. MJÜx avatar

    fuck google!

    its as simple as that

  5. superparag avatar

    You are a fucking idiot. Google refusing to allow the government to invade our privacy is the one decent thing they’ve done, and hear your dumbass is bitching about it. I’m sorry i don’t watch child pornography but i don’t need the man knowing that i love watching a group of japanese shooting sperm all over a women face in the privacy of my home. it’s none of their fucking buisness. It’s because of dipshits like you that one day these fuckers will be reading our emails, tapping our phones, searching our houses, censoring our media, and scanning our mail, all without a warrant of any kind…oh wait,Bush already does that shit!!! the best part of this is where u say the order will not violate personal privacy, and you fucking believe that??!?!?! If they seeing what i’m searching in the privacy of my home, they are fucking violating my privacy. Is it that fucking diffucult of a concept for you to understand. This nation gets more fucking facist every goddamn day i swear. But yea i still agree, fuck google, not for this, but for all their other bullshit they pull, such as the censorship of anything relating to freedom or demoracy in communist china, or their bullshit “google ads.”

  6. Warren Theriot avatar
    Warren Theriot

    What skind of stupid statemant is “wanting to make a meaningful contribution” when pressured into providing the means for the Communist Chinese to block attempts to allow democratic dialog in China? Freedom of speech and thought is Universal Right, not some BS, tin-hat bunch of old farts right to suppress. Shame on google for selling out to
    the pressures of this fucked up Capitalistic trend in the world to promote greed and sell other people’s souls for personal gain. If I Had ever bought any google stock, it would have been sold off immediately after hearing about google’s totally screwed-up decision to pander to the forces of evil. Same goes for Yahoo. SCrew google’s advertisers for going along for the ride. I don’t need google for anything, except to rag on now. Go to hell google! and all the US business’s that are selling out America, like Walmart and Disney Consumer products!

  7. Warren Theriot avatar
    Warren Theriot

    Thank You Gavin for allowing me to vent about Google!

  8. robbiemallhi avatar

    GoOgLe SuCks GoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksGoOgLe SuCksvvvvvv

  9. Google Webmaster avatar
    Google Webmaster

    suck my cock

  10. google suckz0rz avatar
    google suckz0rz

    google sucks hardcore, fucking nazis!
    commercial fucking profit making fascists… mark my words…

    google is a hype! it’s not here for long! stock will fall o.0