Ads testing

I know at least some readers dislike ads placed on my entries, so please forgive the extra ad placements while I test out layouts and CTR’s.






3 responses to “Ads testing”

  1. Keith avatar

    I’ve no problem with ads, just as long as they don’t get in the way of the content. However, I didn’t think you were allowed to include more than one Google Ads client in a page like you have to the right. That, and surely one is enough?

  2. Isa avatar

    Hey Gavin,

    I just discovered the new layout for my Eminem blog! thank you so much:)
    I am very much satisfied with it, it simply looks great:)


  3. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    As far as I know its 3 clients per page…the 2 there arent permanent…just testing.