Treasure Trove?

My trawl through government departments has been an interesting one thus far.

For example, you might be interested in reading:

The handbook for Government Ministers in Cabinet.(PDF)

Or here is a request for tenders for Servers for the Department of the Taoiseach in 2002. (PDF).

Or a recent Treaty between the US and Ireland. (PDF)

Or these statistics on wells.

A list of Teagasc Organic advisers, with emails and phone numbers.

A list of people who work at the Department of the Marine/Natural Resources, in the Exploration and Mining Division.

Some kind of list of licences for something related to fishing.

Various annexes from the Budget, like this one. Or this one. (I think these are freely available anyway)

Some Benchmarking stats for Civil Servants from the Department of Finance

All the liason officers for decentralisation.

It gets juicier.

Here is a letter from TCD Professor Werner Blau to Minister Noel Dempsey (CC’d to Enda Kenny), in which he disagrees with comments Dempsey made in the Dail with regard to the Corrib Gas Line. It also includes a detailed analysis from May last year about the reviews carried out on the Pipeline project.

Here is a PPP table of costs related to projects in the State.

Here is the minutes of a meeting concerning the Corrib Gas Pipeline.

Here is a draft letter from the Government to the now defunct Media Lab Europe from 2004, you can see the edits in red.(.DOC)

Here is a letter written by Catherine McDonald of Com Reg to Irish Times journalist Jamie Smyth concerning an FOI request in 2004.(.DOC)

Here are the Licensing Terms (generous to the extreme, I believe written when Ray Burke was Minister) for Offshore and Oil an Gas, Exploration and Development, 1992.

Here is a 2002 proposal by Digiweb to the Department of Communications for the Louth WLAN project. (.PDF)

Here is a letter written by Dermot O’Kane of Airtricity to Bob Hanna, Chief Technical Advisor, at the Department of Communications, in May 2005. (.PDF)

Finally, here is a confidential memorandum written by Andersen Management International experience as the lead consultant in the GSM2 tender in Ireland 1995, written in 2002 to the Moriarty Tribunal.

I have found dozens more documents, and may update shortly.







2 responses to “Treasure Trove?”

  1. Col avatar

    Did you request these under the FOI?

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Eh no, they all just happen to be online.