SB Post article on blogging

Bernie writes an open letter to Catherine O’Mahony in the Sunday Business Post, and challenges both O’Mahony and Edelman to join the conversation:

The cross-talk generated on the back of misguided Sunday Business Post coverage shows this ecosystem in operation. As David Dunne, from Edelman New York said in O’Mahony’s article, “Blogging … takes companies from a reactive stance to a proactive stance. They can talk to the market.” Right, so. Let’s see if either Edelman or O’Mahony join the conversation. You can bet they have heard these mutterings from well-informed Irish bloggers already.

The article, as written by O’Mahony is here.

What appears to be a sidebar or tint box amounts to a rather odd mix of links. – Richard Edelman’s own blog. Regularly updated (every couple of days) with all kinds of observations and bits and pieces about marketing and communications.

Recent entries contained a long list of interesting quotes from Edelman’s fellow attendees at Davros economic forum. – one of the biggest blogs worldwide, obviously from Google. – a blog by Larry Hryb, Xbox Live director of programming (Major Nelson is his gaming tag). – General Motors’ vice-chairman Bob Lutz has his own blog, which he sometimes uses to diss his competition.

The googleblog is one of the biggest blogs worldwide? News to me.

So what do Irish bloggers make of O’Mahony’s piece? I tend to agree with Bernie on this one. It strikes me as lacking an Irish perspective. Did anyone notice the explosion in blogging in Ireland in 2005? I think it quadrupled in size in less than 12 months. Did Mark Cahalane notice?

Can we get either of them to join the conversation?






3 responses to “SB Post article on blogging”

  1. Marilyn avatar

    Hi our little brothers.a

  2. olczij avatar

    i hope. abcba0c7c9 thanks

  3. iwlhykfd twpmdk avatar

    ukbq biwhtsajn iufbadho traz lsazoiyn iwxdfj lmshaepzj