Apple argues that blogger can't protect source

An interesting case for Apple, and for bloggers:

Apple has sued several unnamed individuals, called “Does” (as in “John Doe” and “Jane Doe”), for allegedly leaking the information. According to the EFF, as part of the lawsuit, Apple has subpoenaed Nfox, the ISP for PowerPage publisher Jason O’Grady, demanding that the ISP turn over the communications and unpublished materials O’Grady obtained while he was gathering information for his articles. Apple was also granted permission to issue subpoenas directly to PowerPage and AppleInsider for similar information.

A trial court ruled last year that if a journalist publishes information that a business claims to be a trade secret, this act destroys constitutional protection for the journalist’s confidential sources and unpublished materials.






One response to “Apple argues that blogger can't protect source”

  1. Nuno (Portugal) avatar
    Nuno (Portugal)

    Hi Gavin

    (you´re the 1st irish blog I found on google 🙂

    I´m travelling to Dublin, 2 weeks from now, and I would just like to know how´s the nightlife in Dublin..are Clubs open all night ?
    My return flight is at 7 am Sunday and I don´t want to pay an extra nigth so I was thinking in clubbing until 5.30/6.00 am and then go straight to the airport
