1,000,000th visitor

1,000,000 visits!

I know it doesn’t come from people who look at the latest entries, but the combined numbers of people who drop in somewhere on the blog, be it the latest entry, or the oldest one.

1423 days ago I started blogging, back when the blogosphere was a far different place. I never for a moment imagined that my blog would lead to so many things, meeting so many great people both in Ireland and around the world, amongst hundreds of other smaller things. Hundreds of debates, thousands of posts, thousands of links. The explosion of blogging in Ireland has been spectacular, and it was great to be there to watch it from the start.

Thanks to everyone who dropped in over the last 2,049,120 minutes! (I do love stats!)

1,000,000th visit recorded as:

Someone searching for “clipart + paris” on google.ch
From the city of Murten in Switzerland
Using Firefox on Windows 2000.







9 responses to “1,000,000th visitor”

  1. Tony avatar

    I’m your 1,000,098 visitor…any prizes?

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Er, No.

  3. Tony avatar

    uhmm… it was worth a try.
    Good luck towards your 2 million run.

  4. Damien Mulley avatar

    Well done man!

  5. indymedia troll avatar

    Congrats Gavin,

    Indymedia.ie currently estimates 150,000 unique visitors per month for its traffic.

  6. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks lads. Indy you’re lots of people, I’m only one man! lol :p

  7. James avatar

    Congrats… I subscribed to your comments RSS and I have no idea wtf is going on with all these fights Eminem and stuff 🙂 This blog has a life of its own.

  8. niall avatar

    A milestone worth marking. Glad you’re still part of the blogging community.

  9. […] I mean this Hell. 100,000 visitors, well chuffed with that. Thanks to everyone who visited here and a special award goes to google for bringing so many people to mulley.net. Still no way as impressive as the million visits Gavin got. […]