Haughey is dead

Let the revisionism begin…

Odds on everyone saying Charlie was a great leader, wonderful man, rogue character, we are all like Charlie etc etc – 10-1 on

How many people will bring up his attempt to bring down McCracken, decades of corruption, endemic cronyism…. 50-1

According to the Indo, Charlie had a personal say in how his State funeral would be handled, but RTE reports:

A spokesperson for the Taoiseach has said that the Government has offered a state funeral and that the offer has been accepted by the family.

The Indo article suggests that:

The Irish Independent has also learned that arrangements have been made for a State funeral for the former Taoiseach.

Mr Haughey approved the arrangements last year.

It is understood he asked for a Requiem Mass to be held in Our Lady of Consolation Church in Donnycarney, in the heart of the Dublin North Central constituency he served rather than in the Pro-Cathedral, as might have been expected for holding a State funeral.

Mr Haughey has chosen St Fintan’s churchyard overlooking the sea in Sutton, Co Dublin – just a couple of miles from his Abbeville home – as his final resting place.

Speakers for the Requiem Mass were being contacted yesterday.

Staffords, a company with close ties to Mr Haughey and which has links with Fianna Fail dating back to the foundation of the party, are to be the undertakers.

Mr Haughey approved the arrangements after he recovered from another bout of his recurring illness last year. Preparations for his State funeral are already at an advanced stage, with the same officials from the Department of the Taoiseach and senior Army officers who planned the recent Easter 1916 commemorations.

Mr Haughey and his family decided he would have a State funeral, a privilege automatically available to all former Taoisigh.

It is understood Mr Haughey wanted to have his Requiem Mass in his former constituency rather than the Pro-Cathedral in central Dublin because of his family ties to the area for three generations. Mr Haughey has recovered from a number of health scares over the past five years.






4 responses to “Haughey is dead”

  1. Dick OBrien avatar

    Only really Rabbitte has said anything about the corruption in his statement. Enda and Mary said nothing, while Bertie reckons on balance history will be kind to him.

  2. Donagh avatar

    With the Soilders of Destiny still the main party in Irish politics there is every chance that his ‘achievements’ will be lauded – starting with the absurbity that he was single handedly responsible for the celtic tiger, or similar bollox. At this stage if anyone mentions the corruption they’ll be treated the same way American’s treated anyone complaining about US foreign policy immediately after 9/11. That is, with the verbal equivalent of a swift cuff across the face.

  3. Keith Gaughan avatar

    I hope he’s being prodded up the arse with hot pitchforks right now. God knows he deserves it.