What's another year?

This blog is 4 years old today. I never thought when I started this blogging thing that it would last this long, but it has been a rewarding and beneficial experience.

Things have been quiet of late since I started working at the Irish Examiner, but I hope to get back into the swing of things shortly.

I guess I should go through the obligatory stat rundown, I do love stats!

2757 posts, 13,393 comments. 50,000 spam comments caught this year alone.
1.024 million visits.
1.53 million page views.
527 Technorati links.






3 responses to “What's another year?”

  1. niall avatar

    Haven’t been reading from the start – but you’re still one of my v few daily checks. Congratulations mate – you’re now one of the grand-daddies of the blogging scene.

    Here’s to you.

  2. Annie avatar

    Happy blog-day, Gavin!

  3. Tony Allwright avatar

    Congratulations on your fourth blogiversay, Gavin. I didn’t realise we are almost twins! My own 4th passed on 14th July, ref http://tallrite.com/blog.htm#Blogiversary_Nbr_4