Summer exams

I passed! Shocking, considering how poor my attendance was. John and Cian got their results too.






7 responses to “Summer exams”

  1. Donncha O Caoimh avatar

    Well done 🙂 Out on the piss tonight/weekend?

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Hehe. More than likely…I love your use of k2 btw, can you give me any suggestions??

  3. Anthony Sheridan avatar
    Anthony Sheridan

    Well done Gavin, ya lazy bollix

  4. Donncha O Caoimh avatar

    I just edited my style sheet I think, well apart from all the advertising code I wrote to figure out which ad types to serve, or not, based on who the user was..

  5. Dave avatar

    Well done you jammy fecker.

  6. niall avatar

    What has the Irish education system come to?

    (congratulations mate!!)

  7. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks Niall 🙂