
This blog is now 5 years old. Jaysus.






5 responses to “Anniversary”

  1. niall avatar

    Congratulations. Time for a quick post on the past five years?

  2. Gavin avatar

    Now there’s an idea Niall, I have become so lazy.

  3. niall avatar

    I’ll expect it some time next year, yeah?!

    Nah, think it’d def be a useful exercise. This was one of the first blogs I came across, and a potted history would be rather nice… bring back a few memories. You’ve blogged on some fairly significant events – would be good to at least dig the links out the archive.

    But of course uni is over for a few months and you’re a gentleman of leisure now…!!

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    The cheek! Yes it would Niall, I really have to get my ass back in gear. My routine is all over the place…

  5. Heather B avatar

    Congratulations…. I just passed up my 2 yr last month…