SIPO press release

SIPO issued a stark press release yesterday following complaints over payments to Bertie Ahern.

The press release differs from the letter that was sent to one of the complainants.

The Standards Commission may examine the matter again if additional evidence emerges from the Tribunal of Inquiry into Certain Planning Matters and Payments.

as oppose to:

The Standards Commission will not be issuing any further statement or making any further comment.

Why the difference?






One response to “SIPO press release”

  1. Tomaltach avatar

    It is indeed extraordinary that SPOC have nothing to say about a finance minister who received bags of cash from a businessman a few days before he expected to become Taoiseach.

    Especially so given his varying bizarre stories are designed to obfuscate the investigations of Mahon. All of which has clearly undermined public trust in the body politic. One of the codes of ethics which SPOC is charged with overseeing is:

    Members must, in good faith, strive to maintain the public trust placed in them, and exercise the influence gained from their membership of Dáil Éireann to advance the public interest. (my emphasis – clearly Ahern in breach)