IBM reclaims junk silicon for solar panels

Recycling solar panels:

This new process is revolutionary won IBM the “2007 Most Valuable Pollution Prevention Award” from The National Pollution Prevention Program. IBM says that worldwide about 250,000 silicon wafers are started each day and that up to 3.3 percent of these wafers end up being discarded amounting to about three million discarded wafers each year.

In addition to merely saving the material and time used in the manufacturing of the reclaimed silicon wafers, IBM says that it sees an overall 90 percent energy savings because repurposing the scrap means IBM doesn’t have to manufacture as many new wafers to meet demands of its production process.






One response to “IBM reclaims junk silicon for solar panels”

  1. Henry Correiro avatar

    Exciting post. I have been looking for some great resources for solar panels and discovered your blog. Going to bookmark this one!