Dead people save the day

Another amusing passage from the Collins evidence.

Collins is being asked about the Davy cheque. He can’t remember anything about it. He can’t remember if he discussed it with Ahern. He can’t remember anything really. (Q77-83)

The Davy donation was the biggest. £5K. But he can’t explain to the Tribunal why the biggest donations intended for an election campaign ended up in an account that Collins now says was intended for the St Luke’s ‘Building Trust’.

“I can’t comment on that,” he says. (Q88)

“Well, no, the committee made the decision. We had four or five people, five people, and we’d have a meeting every week to ten days and a decision would be made — ”

The Tribunal asks who are these people.

Collins replies:

Paddy Reilly was, he is deceased.

Q. 92 Yes.

A. Jimmy Keane was.

Q. 93 Yes. He is deceased also.

A. He is deceased, yeah. Joe Burke I think is or was or is, I’m not sure, you know.

Q. 94 Yes.

A. Gerry Brennan, I’m not sure. He’s deceased, the solicitor.

Q. 95 Yes.

A. Myself, I was never a member of the Fianna Fail. Although I worked with them for years, you know.




