Obama to win

My two cents: Obama will win the primary. He will then go on to win in November. I am considering going to Washington for the result. Though it will be an eventful night no matter who wins.






5 responses to “Obama to win”

  1. Dan Sullivan avatar

    I’m getting more and more of a feeling that McCain could end up slipping past both Obama and Clinton at this point.

  2. Gavin avatar

    Well Hillary won this round, but I still think Obama will win the nomination. As for McCain, it seems to me like he is a more of a Dole figure versus a Bill Clinton-esque one.

  3. john avatar

    Unless there is a political earthquake Obama has the nomination wrapped up. McCain is likely to secure the support of many conservative Democrats and Independents. Should be a fascinating election.

  4. BuzZ avatar

    Obama lived in Jakarta Indonesia when he was in elementary school. He was stayed in indonesia and he is in Indonesians people’s heart. Go Obama, I and Indonesian hope that Obama can bring prosperous, wealth, and peace to America and to the world. Amien

  5. Annie avatar

    I hope you’re right, Gavin.