Vice President Joe Biden

It’s looking like an Obama/Biden ticket. Steve has called it.

I was impressed with Joe Biden’s speech back in 2005 at a conference I attended in Washington. I blogged a little about the conference here. You can watch videos from the conference here. You can also watch Biden’s speech here.

I guess we can expect the Irish media to start talking up Biden’s Irish-American credentials. His Irish roots come from both sides, though most directly from his mother Catherine Eugenia “Jean” Finnegan.

He quotes William Butler Yeats at the start of the speech. Towards the end of the speech he says:

Let me end – I’m always quoting Irish poets – my friends kid me and say I do it because I am Irish. That’s not the reason. I do it because they are the best poets in the world. Seamus Heaney, in his poem The Cure at Troy, for which he won the Nobel prize for literature in the mid 90s said in one stanza – which I think should become our anthem because I believe it with every fibre of my being… You talk about all the dangers but what about the opportunities?

We, if we are smart, if we are bright, if we are persistent, if we are a little lucky and if we follow our values, in a tough minded way… I really think we have a chance to change history on the margins, at least in the margins, for the 21st century. And I think a stanza from ths poem should become our anthem. He said in one stanza, he said:

“History says. Don’t hope
On this side of the grave.
But then, once in a lifetime
The longed-for tidal wave
Of justice can rise up.
And hope and history rhyme.”

I honest to god believe after 33 years of doing this job, we still have a shot, we still have a shot – to make hope and history rhyme. If we trust our people, follow our instincts, and are willing to make the sacrifices necessary. Thank you all very much.






5 responses to “Vice President Joe Biden”

  1. Dan Sullivan avatar

    Does this mean the “it’s 3AM in the white house” angle is covered as Joe being a man of 65 will probably be up to take a leak at that hour and wandering about the place.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Dunno, but I saw Biden speak at an event in DC in 2005 and I quite liked him. Expect the Irish media to play up his Irish heritage – Biden tends to mention his Irishness alot.

  3. Dan Sullivan avatar

    I like him too, I kinda remember him from the primary races in ’88 which was the first time I really paid in depth attention to that aspect of the US presidential process. Ah Gary Hart and I like Mike!

  4. Peader avatar

    Sure give it time and he’ll be Plagiarising WB and many others before long. See He gets a fairly good rating for what he seems to do best 🙂 🙂


  5. Gavin avatar

    Yea I think we are all aware of that one peter. Though excuses were made at the time.