New MacBooks and Pros

Gizmodo and Engadget are live blogging the event. Let’s see what happens.

Update: Ok, I’m not going to live blog the live bloggers but I will add the most important bits.

Nvidia has been confirmed, the 9400m.

Multi touch glass trackpad.

New MacBook Pro unveiled. Looks nice. Solid state drive option too. Two graphics cards! Removable hard drive. Shipping today. $1999 for lower end, $2499 for higher end.

Next: Macbook Air:

We’re putting the 9400M in the Air, adding a 120GB hard drive, and we’ve got a 128GB SSD as an option — in addition we’re putting in a mini display port

Next: New 24 inch LED display.

Next: MacBook

As expected, same design as the Pro, but smaller.

The new MacBook Pro.
The new MacBook.
The new LED display.






2 responses to “New MacBooks and Pros”

  1. ferdia2010 avatar

    Looks cool but they are pricey, thought they were supposed to be bringing out a netbook too. Seems to be no sign of it.

  2. Gavin avatar

    Yea it was mentioned, but Jobs said it was too early for Apple to be getting into that market.