Methodist Church destroyed

This really makes for disturbing reading:

A CHURCH that had been ‘saved’ from demolition was knocked down anyway early this morning.

At 6am, residents near Croke Park woke to the sound of a bulldozer-type piece of machinery being driven into the front of the church.

The destruction on the quiet Jones’ Road, beside the GAA stadium, comes only a day after workers at the church site were served with notification from the council to stop work.

Residents had reported work at the site to Dublin City Council and gardai over the last two days, but this morning at 6am a machine was driven into the front of the building.

Not alone that:

Residents called gardai on hearing the commotion and when they arrived the person who was operating the bulldozer ran away.

The Ireland match against Cyprus will be held at Croke Park this evening and this partial demolition of the church is located at the railway bridge very close to the stadium.

The builder in question should be shot jailed in my opinion. Then fined. And then forced to rebuild the church as it was. I’m surprised at Bertie Ahern’s silence, it’s his constituency.






One response to “Methodist Church destroyed”

  1. Anthony Sheridan avatar
    Anthony Sheridan

    You’re right Gavin, he should be jailed but it’s more likely he’ll stand for election and receive an overwhelming vote