Washington bound

Tomorrow I head off to the US for a couple of weeks, and it is certainly an interesting time to be going (and an interesting contrast to Georgia two weeks ago). I will be in Washington DC for the majority of the trip, but will be calling to New York and do a quick jaunt to Canada while I’m there. I will be shacking up with the Examiner’s US correspondent and intrepid traveller Conor Ryan (he’s not blogging, yet).

Hopefully I will be able to catch up with old friends of the blog, Steve Clemons and Jonathan Smith (former blogger and a reader). And who knows who I else I might meet…

I have been to Washington before, and managed to get in many of the sights. On this trip I will finally get out to Arlington Cemetery and visit the enormous Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for my time in Washington during the election? Any people I should meet?






5 responses to “Washington bound”

  1. Josh avatar

    Glad you liked my pic. Besides Arlington & the Basilica, you should definitely visit the National Cathedral (several pix on my flickr stream) and walk around Georgetown (M Street & Wisconsin Avenue have the shops; the side streets have the beautiful, old homes).

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks Josh!

  3. Dan Sullivan avatar

    You should definitely see if you can cast an absentee ballot. After all, if the system works your vote shouldn’t be counted.

  4. […] by admin on 25 Oct 2008 at 10:53 pm | Tagged as: US Election 2008 Keith is in Virginia, Gavin is in Washington DC and the Hag of Beara returns to blog as she hits Ohio. Have I missed anyone […]

  5. HangarQueen avatar

    Old town Alexandria just across the river in Virginia is well worth it.You can take the Yellow or Blue line on the Metro and get off at King St.
    Adams-Morgan and Dupont Circle in the city are worth your while as well.You’ll often find me in Union Station if yer in need of a jar.