Obama at Virginia Beach

This morning myself and Conor Ryan, from the Irish Examiner, head over to an Obama rally in Virginia Beach. It starts at about 5pm and I will be updating my Twitter status while there. You can follow me on Twitter here. I will try and take some pics and maybe do a video or two and take lots of photos. Will update the blog when I get back.






5 responses to “Obama at Virginia Beach”

  1. […] some data entry from last night’s phone banking (just waiting for a fresh set of data).  Conor & Gavin are off to Virginia Beach to the Obama rally – try doing some real work, […]

  2. Suzy avatar

    Ian from ianmcgahon.wordpress.com will also be at this rally – got a text from him 🙂

  3. s brown avatar
    s brown

    Please e-mail me when you post video/photos from the Barack rally in Va Beach on 10.30.08

    Thank you.

    S Brown

  4. Hilda V. avatar

    Are you gonna post any of those Obama pics? Just curious. I wouldn’t mind looking at what the rally looked like through your prospective.

  5. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Pics are up Hilda, all of my sets are on Flickr


    Just look for Obama rally