Monty Python comes to YouTube

Rather that issuing take down notices, the lads of Monty Python created their own YouTube channel. Smart guys. Here is their blurb:

For 3 years you YouTubers have been ripping us off, taking tens of thousands of our videos and putting them on YouTube. Now the tables are turned. It’s time for us to take matters into our own hands.

We know who you are, we know where you live and we could come after you in ways too horrible to tell. But being the extraordinarily nice chaps we are, we’ve figured a better way to get our own back: We’ve launched our own Monty Python channel on YouTube.

No more of those crap quality videos you’ve been posting. We’re giving you the real thing – HQ videos delivered straight from our vault.

What’s more, we’re taking our most viewed clips and uploading brand new HQ versions. And what’s even more, we’re letting you see absolutely everything for free. So there!

But we want something in return.

None of your driveling, mindless comments. Instead, we want you to click on the links, buy our movies & TV shows and soften our pain and disgust at being ripped off all these years.

I look forward to some great clips. Legally.






2 responses to “Monty Python comes to YouTube”

  1. Reggie avatar

    Brilliant! Thanks for putting in the link! I love Monty Python.

  2. KevanB avatar

    And who can blame them, it must be not just the money but the truly crap quality of the clips that have been up there. Which as a grumpy old sod is my main objection to most of U-Tube. Though I wouldbe pissed of if the stuff was my copyright.