Ganley to sue RTE

RTE reports that RTE is to be sued by Declan Ganley, over last week’s awful PrimeTime investigates.

The head of Libertas said the programme “was actionable”. Was it a slanderous programme? I guess a court will decide, unless RTE settles out of court first.






2 responses to “Ganley to sue RTE”

  1. Gerard Cunningham avatar

    Was it a slanderous programme? I guess a court will decide, unless RTE settles out of court first.

    Or unless Ganley never goes further than the mere threat of litigation. Anyone can say they plan to sue, I’m inclined to wait until the papers are actually filed in the High Court.

  2. Bernie Goldbach avatar

    The RTE Primetime coverage of Declan Ganley was below tabloid journalism, packed with innuendo and supposition. As a license holder who is unsympathetic to Libertas, I expected better research by the production team.