
Today I officially finished my time as an undergraduate at University College Cork. I was conferred with a Joint Honours Degree in Politics and History.

Starting university in 2005 coincided naturally with a decline in my output both in print and here on the blog. Perhaps now I will find my mojo again! 🙂

I would like to thank the loyal readers (you know who you are) who have stuck with me over the last three years. I have a huge amount of catching up to do, and perhaps a good place for me to start is to look at writing more about the stuff I bookmark on delicious every day. If you are curious about the stuff I come across, do have a nose.






10 responses to “Graduating”

  1. Annie avatar

    Congratulations Gavin!

  2. Keith Gaughan avatar

    Excellent news! Congratulations!

  3. Daithí avatar

    Congratulations. Don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to distract you from writing post-degree. Though I prefer the idea that blogging distracts you from everything else. Anyway, well done 🙂

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks lads!

  5. maggie avatar

    Well done Gavin. Great achievement to graduate & also keep your excellent blog going.
    I really enjoy latter.

  6. Gamma Goblin avatar

    Well done! Glad to see you made it out of that hell hole in one piece 🙂

  7. Sinéad avatar

    I’m just catching up with this now. Well done. Sadly nobody will ever but the BA after your name in correspondance, but you’ll know it’s there 🙂

  8. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Thanks guys 🙂 Aw well @Sinead, i guess i’ll have to survive without it!