Deepthroat in Ireland

Back in October, someone calling themselves Deepthroat posted on the property forum Some called him (or her) a crank, but others had their curiosity piqued. I for one welcome our own deepthroat, but wonder if the language could be a little more transparent. The earlier posts in October seem to indicate the Fitzpatrick debacle last week. I wonder what 2009 will bring. Many of these posts have since been deleted, but are available via the Google cache.

On October 16, Deepthroat said the following:

I am sick to the pit of my stomach to see what has played out in the media and I cannot bear it any more. The Irish public deserves better and needs to know the whole truth.

I have access to several people in the dail and these are the rumours that are cirulating in the small tight circle of powerful people who really know what has been happening the last few weeks:

– The events of the last few weeks are nothing compared to what has gone behind closed doors and is only known to the few people that attended top level meetings when the Irish banking system nearly hit the wall a few weeks ago. A financial scandal involving several household names was barely kept away from the public as a result of the panic in the stock market and has since been swept under the carpet. There are many individuals who would end up destroyed if the real story ever gets told. Unfortunately for them, the measures introduced did not stop the shitstorm that is coming. Thie truth can only be contained for a short while, even as I write a desparate cover up is under way to limit the damage that will be done to the Irish establishment once the journos get their heads around the truth ( as one individual almost has). Timeline: 3-6 months.

– Mary Harney and the Green Party are now being repositioned by spin doctors as the fall guys for some of the crap that is coming. Expect Harney to resign and the government to collapse as FF blames everybody but themselves. Timeline: 6 months – 1 year.

– A new government will be formed with FG/Labour and SF. A significant proportion of people in the highest ranks of Irish society will have their careers ended.

The truth is out there.


Think of what I am referring to as property Ansbacher, but with land-banks owned by shell companies. The collapse of the Irish banking system made a few individuals very scared, and scared people loosen their tongues. Our so-called political class is up to their armpits in this crap. This stuff has risen to the surface only accidentally in the last few years (for instance, CAB has been chasing corporate phantoms owned by other corporate phantoms).

As for FG and SF not getting into bed together, I have it on good authority that neither would like to face the electorate and will swallow hard and get on with the business of government.

Times have changed out there. Expect surprises.

Interesting stuff. Later on he replied:

The world has changed. FF are not the only party with their fingers in the sweety jar. This cuts right across all political divides. Six months ago, nobody would have predicted what has happened to the Irish economy. Perhaps in about six months from now, the unthinkable will happen.

Ask yourself these questions –

– Why have the Irish banks been bailed out and yet no senior banking figures been axed, unlike nearly every other country in Europe in similar circumstances?
– Why did the Financial Regulator not clamp down on irresponsible bank lending to developers?
– Why are the full banking liabilities kept secret?
– Why were Section 23 tax breaks continued even when those in the ‘know’ saw that the bubble was bursting?

Look to Mr.Juan Antonio Roca of Marbella, as an example.

Look to Argentina. Where is our Elisa Carrió?

There is an elephant is the living room.

Watch this space. Carefully.


Clues. I cannot name names, even hint at names (sorry E).
But I will tell you how it works. Spin doctors are cynical depraved individuals and will use anything to create and manipulate the public sentiment. Just like a stage magician will be flourishing his hand with a handkerchief, while the other hand is actually up to something devious while you are not watching.

Always watch the hand they do not want you to look at.

For instance. It seems politically strange and naive to attack pensioners and remove their medical cards, when all you are saving is €100 million. There are easier ways to save this money without arousing such hostility.

However, this does two things. It will fill the airwaves with shouting and complaining (possibly justified) about ‘the poor old people’ for weeks and diverts attention away from ‘the other hand’, the one they do not want you to see. Another prediction – the pensioners will get to keep their medical cards (mostly) whilst at the same time isolating Mary Harney for a future fall when it is politically expedient. While the media obsesses about medical cards, the banking scheme was released, the terrible truth covered up for another little while and the FF head honchos disappear conveniently off the Irish stage to Brussels.

The plan all along was to arouse public hostility as a smoke screen. The medical card fiasco is a huge red herring.

In the coming weeks and months, keep watching the hand the magician does not want you to notice. To quote someone we know, it is all ‘smokes and daggers’.

And the next day:

Things have changed fast since I last posted.

It seems that those with something to lose are getting nervous. The announcement that the financial regulator will be examining the banks debts has meant that time is even more limited than I speculated earlier for the massive cover up at the center of the Celtic Tiger to be exposed. The book keepers in the UK and elsewhere are planning to pull the plug if this is not contained. This means using the nuclear option. In the next few weeks an Irish bank will be allowed to fail and a major public figure will be the scape goat. The banks liabilities will be conveniently absorbed by the government without having to disclose who owed what. This seems to be Plan A.

But, just in case, Harney, the Greens and even FF are now exposed to the wrath of the Irish public, the smoke screen of the medical cards was nearly too successful. A useful sideshow. But it has caused deep instability within the government (as it was intended to do) because those behind the scenes with everything to lose are considering relinquishing power in order to save their own skins from the storm that is coming. This seems to be Plan B.

In 2002 and 2005 this scandal was contained, in different and vicious ways. It may not be so easy to cover it up now. The government may fall on its own sword to save the people with real power.

Look for the patterns in the Capital Expenditure Program. Expect Chinese money to be used creatively. There may also be an announcement from the EU on something unexpected. Sir Alan Walters may have been right and if so, this cover up will lead us into Argentinian territory. This may be the unintended Plan C, accompanied by a new Flight of the Earls, except this time the Earls are more crooks than nobles.

The game is nearly up.

And this week:

I was here before, but I got into Deep Trouble. A certain party got wind of my posts and I had to remove myself.
The empire has now crumbled however and the party involved has worse problems to worry about than me. By the use of certain keywords in this message, senior boards members can vouch for who am I.

It has not come to pass exactly as I predicted, but there was an attempt to destroy a foolish third party in attempt to add credibility to certain public institutions and remove the limelight from where it had become uncomfortable. Plan B has now been rolled out and in an effort to ‘protect’ the banking systems, an attempt is being made to hide the truth. What has come out is only the tip of the iceberg. An entire generation of Irish people has had their futures written off by the greed and stupidity of a small clique of politicians, business people, bankers and public servants.

The manipulation is somewhat breathtaking. At my level, it is easy to think it is about keeping control – but see how the pork ‘crisis’ was delayed until the European Authorities could step in and save the poor farmers? All in the same week that the new Lisbon referendum was announced. Result – large possible ‘No’ vote taken out by fear. Fantastic. But wrong.

But even so, this earthquake that is now rumbling it’s way through the Irish political class – this is bigger and will be harder to control. Not since 2004 have so many ‘respectable’ people woken up to find the disgusting truth about their wealth almost front page news. To the two journalists who contacted me through PM – keep digging! There is gold down there. Lots of it.

My final riddle – who guards the guardians? Even dogs without teeth have an owner.

I am old and cynical now. You may see me on TV in the background somewhere as this thing unwides. I will try to smile.

It’s time to regulate.






6 responses to “Deepthroat in Ireland”

  1. EMO avatar

    There’s got to be a connection with the DDDA?

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Well that is already established. But what is the connection to Fianna Fail?

  3. maggie avatar

    Come on Gavin – you have ferocious investigatory skills – more clues please?? Publish it!

  4. Thriftcriminal avatar

    Ooooh, all unravelling for those pulling the strings? Nice if it were so, always good to see that sort having to pay the piper. Guess I’ll wait and see……

  5. Green Ink avatar

    Baked beans will be legal tender by this time next year. Have a good Christmas Gavin.

  6. Galway Tent avatar

    Labour’s Councilor Humphries seems to be a strong supporter of the Developers Autocracy, DDDA. Why?