Where is the news business going?

I see the Government published the report of the Advisory Group on Media Mergers today. It’s pretty lengthy. I wonder should I bother reading the whole thing.

As everyone knows by now the newspaper industry globally is having a bad time of it. Even a cursory look at my links will tell you how often I read about it.

The question I am asking myself, in light of the dire situation in the US of late, is what newspapers or newspaper groups will survive 2009. On a share price basis, Trinity Mirror Group and Johnston Press are serious contenders for bankruptcy. Given my own vested interest in the Irish media landscape I can’t comment on the newspaper group I work for. But I will say that if either Trinity or Johnston go, they will obviously bring many Irish titles down with them.

For interesting end of year roundups about the newspaper industry do read the following:

The Newspaper Industry and the Arrival of the Glaciers
Newspaper death watch
What might have been
There is nothing anyone can do about it
Bad news, good news



