Category: Media and Journalism

  • Attracting readers

    Elizabeth Spayd, the new Public Editor at The New York Times has written her first column. The previous public editor Margaret Sullivan departed recently for the Washington Post. In her first column, Spayd grapples with the core issue of attracting readers and the changing nature of the audience: What would prove more fruitful is for…

  • Buy one anyway

  • Media140

    Today I’m in London for the Media140 event, “bringing together journalists, bloggers, social media advocates and publishers to share and discuss the effects and impact of twitter and other social media tools on mainstream media”. Looks like a great lineup of speakers. You can follow the event on Twitter with the hashtag #media140, or watch…

  • The National editorial salaries

    Someone is in big trouble. The pay of 250 staff at the recently launched “The National” newspaper in Abu Dhabi have been leaked online via Wikileaks. You can have a read of the list here. Or here (Right click on the link to save to your desktop) As a guide, divide the sums by five…

  • Bono to write column for NY Times

    He will also do a podcast, says NY Times editorial page editor Andrew Rosenthal. The column won’t be weekly but it will be occasional. Bono noted: Bono called the gig “an honor,” and joked that he’s “never been great with the full stops or commas.” Ah sure, what harm. I think it’s a good move…

  • Demotix

    The new website went live today. I prefer it over the previous incarnation. I haven’t started uploading photos (not that there was much to upload, perhaps some Georgia/US election ones). Not heard of it? It’s a British-based website for photographers to upload and sell their photos, sharing revenue with Demotix (who sell the photos for…

  • Where is the news business going?

    I see the Government published the report of the Advisory Group on Media Mergers today. It’s pretty lengthy. I wonder should I bother reading the whole thing. As everyone knows by now the newspaper industry globally is having a bad time of it. Even a cursory look at my links will tell you how often…

  • Olbermann in a minute

    Get the latest news satire and funny videos at

  • Buying papers in Chicago

    It’s proving hard for people in Chicago to get copies of the Chicago Sun Times and the Chicago Tribune. So much so that lines formed on the streets, and people bought dozens of copies each. This guy was happy with his purchase, having already bought about a dozen copies, he asked for another dozen. And…

  • Breaking news Facebook

    I see my company launched a Facebook page/group for its Breaking News section. It looks like it started back in August and it seems many invites were sent out recently. It’s a step in the right direction.