Sobering figures

Irish companies laid off 6,337 workers last month, an increase of 123% on the year- earlier period, the government said today.

And the sobering bit:

Irish alcohol consumption declined 6% in 2008, the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland said in an e-mailed statement today.

Alcohol consumption in Ireland is now back to 1997 levels, the group said. The amount of cider consumed fell 11%, while liquor volumes dropped 7.7% and beer volumes fell 5%.






4 responses to “Sobering figures”

  1. Erica Swallow avatar

    Ahhhh no! You have to stay warm in these times!

    Plus…. aren’t alcohol consumption and unemployment usually directly related?

    Good stuff!

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Yes alcohol does tend to fall in consumption in this environment, and they are coming off very high levels anyway!

  3. Gamma Goblin avatar

    Alcohol consumption is based on sales, which is highly inaccurate. Luxembourg has the highest alcohol “consumption” per person ratio in Europe, but only because people from surrounding countries head there to avail of the cheap booze. Me thinks a lot of idle builders vans are heading off to France and across the border to bring back the cheap treasures!

  4. גמילה מעישון avatar

    This post made me laugh! Nice work. Thank you.