Digitising documents

Further to the launch of Kildare Street, I have been attempting to build a digital database of important documents and reports.

For now the provisional list is over at Public Inquiry, but I hope to either build a dedicated website to house these documents, or perhaps wikify the whole thing.

I recently got my hands on the Ansbacher Report (all 560Mb of it), and will upload the entirety. I went to the Government Publications Office yesterday looking for the Beef Tribunal report, but it was nowhere to be found and they directed me to the Department of Agriculture of all places. Other reports to be included will be the McCracken Tribunal report, the Dean Lyons report, the Ferns report, among others.

Feel free to suggest any other reports that should be included.






14 responses to “Digitising documents”

  1. steve white avatar
    steve white

    its pity that the reports don’t have the images/slides/maps

    eps for the planning tribunals

    copyright i suspect?

    fecking osi

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    No copyright issue that i am aware of. I did ask for maps from the Mahon tribunal, i was literally laughed at.

  3. steve white avatar
    steve white

    laughed at, why? they could be put online.

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Stardust will be sourced, Bock.

    Laughed at because i think it might require effort.

    I asked specifically for maps back in 2007 presented on the overhead projector at public sittings of the tribunal – i was simply told: No.

    I blogged about it here


  5. steve white avatar
    steve white

    right, were they prepared by any particular company like the transcripts?

  6. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    As far as I am aware, no.

  7. Joe Drumgoole avatar

    Where are you gonna keep these docs? Can I recommend scribd.com?

  8. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Multiple places I imagine Joe, perhaps including scribd.

  9. eamonn avatar

    Hi Gavin

    You might be interested to know that Indymedia Ireland got their hands on a CD copy of Ansbacher report when it was published. It was ripped and published in its entirity on the web.

    This was done because one day we saw a front page report on Irish times stating that it was not to be published on the web because of legal concerns about it being published abroad.

    The irish times was contacted a couple of days after their front page headline with the news that citizens had taken it upon themselves to publish it on the web. They of course allowed this to go down the memory hole and never mentioned it.

    Here’s the old feature http://www.indymedia.ie/article/60034

  10. Gavin avatar

    Though you since took the report down from your website?

  11. eamonn avatar

    Well I think it was taken down at some point more or less accidentaly as the site has moved server several times since – and it was hosted offsite somewhere ‘temporary’ at the time. It’s a big site with a sprawling archive and only volunteers.

  12. Ian avatar

    I think that it should be mandatory for all planning applications to be online for people to view – You have a situation at present where Local Authorities have them on view but only office hours monday to friday and charge quite a lot for copies of them as well

  13. Alan avatar

    The Ferns Report is online but never officially published by the Gov.