Child abuse report

I watched this on Questions & Answers last night. I can’t add anything.






4 responses to “Child abuse report”

  1. Bill Butler avatar

    Since the report came out the other day, the reaction over here in the US has been quite remarkable. I’ve had a few people contact me (I’m an ex-pat Irishman over in the US) expressing surprise that abuse within the church wasn’t just limited to America, and was happening back in dear, innocent Erin. Somehow the news media here have finally picked up the Irish story.

    Thanks for posting the video. It speaks volumes.

  2. […] saw this video on Gavin’s blog and I’m reposting it here because I think it’s important that people see it. I felt […]

  3. […] to Inquire into Child Abuse Report Will Michael O’Brien Transcript Enda Just watch it Gavin Child abuse report Bock The Sisters of Mercy — Would You Want These People in Charge of a Children’s Hospital? […]

  4. Sally @ Sales People avatar
    Sally @ Sales People

    Wow I was shocked, thanks for sharing this, I think that this is just sick and smething should really start to be done about it and the church