Reboot Britain

Some thoughts and random quotes from the day:

Watching Gillian Tett from the FT explain the background of the problems with derivatives that led to the current financial mess.

Jenni Russell is giving some good anecdotes about dealing with lazy ass politicians. We need a way to eat away at the bunker mentality. Jenni only heard of Slugger two weeks ago? But does say any hack she has asked has said Slugger is the go to place to learn what is happening in Northern Ireland. Good talk.

Alberto Nardelli talking about the stalemate between traditional media and politics, using social media. Social media can supplement what traditional media does. YouTube does not substitute knocking on doors.

Tools make politicians approachable, personable. Pols on twitter leads to direct engagement.

Mick Fealty speaking on the background of Slugger, how it started and where it’s going. The internet is a bit like the wild west. Engagement leads to engagement.






2 responses to “Reboot Britain”

  1. Marko Saric avatar

    It was very nice meeting you at the tweetup in London last night Gavin! It was a great event… I hope the rest of your London trip goes well.

  2. Jeff Mowatt avatar


    If you look around, you’ll find activists that saw the crisis coming

    Some were social entrepreneurs:
