The John O'Donoghue files (Part 1 – India)

The lowdown: The minister goes to India with his wife, and his private secretary in 2006. Journalist for the Turbine, Ken Foxe, FOId the details of expenses, and the story broke a few weeks ago.

I requested all the documents released to Mr Foxe, and have begun the process of scanning all of them. Part 1, his trip to India, is below. Two of the documents have been removed by me, simply because there is personal information relating to his private secretary which I believe is not crucial to the story. These documents have been added, with minor redactions. There is no public interest in who the doctor in question is, in my humble opinion, it is simply a doctor.

India 1
India 2
India 3
India 4
India 5
India 6
India 7
India 8
India 9
India 10
India 11
India 12
India 13
India 14
India 15
India 16
India 17
India 18
India 19
India 20
India 21
India 22(I redacted the name and address of the GP who charged the €45)
India 23
India 24
India 25 “the Indians”
India 26
India27 (I redacted the name and address of GP)
India 28







16 responses to “The John O'Donoghue files (Part 1 – India)”

  1. steve white avatar
    steve white

    did you have to pay again,

    shared foi’s for the win

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Way ahead of you Steve.. 😉

  3. steve white avatar
    steve white

    so you didn’t have to pay?

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    The department opted to give me the info for nothing, not under FOI. They said so many had requested the documents they would give me a copy for free.

    My trips to London this year were not holidays, as I said at the time… 🙂 WDTK was one thing that was touched on several times.

  5. Allan Cavanagh avatar

    Without wanting to sound terribly gushy-

    you rock Gavin.

  6. Bock the Robber avatar

    Makes Sam Spade look dull.

  7. John de Montfort avatar
    John de Montfort

    I do like the reference to “the Indians”. No doubt John O’Donoghue has done his fair share of sanctimonious anti-imperialism-amusing to hear his staff talk as if they should be fully equipped with baggy shorts, pith helmet and Sam Browne belt.

  8. Doubleglaze avatar

    I’ve left a message on his assistant’s phone requesting his resignation.

    It’s time the ordinary people of Ireland call a halt to corruption in politics.

  9. Joe avatar

    They don’t spend long in any one place do they ?

    15 minutes here , 50 minutes there.

    What the point of flying around the world to do that ?

    Either go on a holiday at the taxpapers expense or do some actual meetings with observable outcomes.

    This is neither one thing or the other.

  10. Tenderloins1 avatar

    looks from india1 that JOD spent 2 hours in heathrow in between the flight from delhi and the flight to dublin.
    India 19 shows an expense claim of 472.21 from T Gallagher.
    So JOD had a Limo and chauffeur meeting him to bring him between terminals in heathrow at a cost of 472.21 !

  11. BockTheRobber avatar

    Monday 16th January
    Day private.

    Tuesday 17th January
    12 pm launch e-schools initiative
    12.45 Lunch with Enterprise Ireland

    1600-1640 at Wipro
    1930 – meet Taoiseach
    2030 – 15 minute meeting with chairman Wipro

    Wednesday 18th January
    New Delhi
    1415 Attend naming of road after DeValera
    Meet Sonia Gandhi 30 mins
    Meet Karan Singh 10 mins
    Attend Tourism Ireland promotion 25 mins
    Atend cultural performance

    Thursday 19th January
    Address school staff and Irish religious educators
    Sign agreements

    Friday 20th January
    Attend university of Mumbai Q&A session
    Attend lunch at irish embassy.
    Present cup to Turf Club
    Sign agreements
    Meet Quebec Premier
    Meet business leaders
    Attend cultural performance

    Saturday 21st January
    Go home



  12. Tenderloins1 avatar

    On that India trip also were Bertie Ahern, Michael Martin and Mary Hanafin.
    Its this trip where the Limo was hired between terminals by JOD.
    So its likely that 4 Limos were hired between terminals,( one for each Minister and entourage) and each dept billed with the Limo hire bill.

  13. skyguy19 avatar

    on india 27, cant he claim tax back on that receipt @ 42%

  14. […] JOD Part 1 (India) JOD Part 2 (Birmingham) JOD Part 3 (Berlin) JOD Part 4 (London) JOD Part 5 (London) JOD Part 6 (Venice) JOD Part 7 (Manchester) JOD Part 8 (New York) JOD Part 9 (Turin) JOD Part 10 (Stuttgart) JOD Part 11 (Paris) […]