Liam Carroll's complex web

There has been much talk in recent months of Liam Carroll’s ‘complex web’ of companies, which all seem to owe each other money. Take one down, it has been said, and they all fall. But no one has yet tried to construct exactly what this web looks like. I think I’ll have a go. It is complex, so I am open to correction, but this is the best I can make out. I will place this in a tree structure to try and demonstrate the ultimate owners, and the various subsidiaries. In all cases I am referrign to Irish registered company in the table below.

Morston Investments Limited (Ultimate owner of all companies).

a) b) c) d) e) f) g) are all subsidiaries of Vantive Holdings.

1) Vantive Holdings
a) Danoval Limited
a i) Bulwark Limited
i) Jarmar Properties Limited
ii) Tallaght Town Centre Construction & Development Limited
iii) Bronzone Limited
b) Crossman Properties Limited
i) Crossman Northwall Limited
c) Danninger
c) i) Gainsco Limited
c) ii) Greencore Group Public Limited Company
c) iii) Greencore and its dozens of subsidiaries
i) North Quay Investments Limited
d) Riversmith Limited
i) Chinook Investments
e) Zoe Developments
e i) Fabrizia Developments
i) Barrow Echo
ii) Barrow Gamma
e ii) Eppo Developments
e i) Pepo Limited
e ii) Alexion Management
e iii) Chinook Investments
e iv) Netusa
e v) Oze Construction
f) Peytor Developments
f i) Parlez International Limited
ii) Bulwark Limited
ii) Royceton
g) Villeer Developments
g i) JP Ryan & Sons (Properties) Limited
g ii) Everill Developments Limited
ii) Zed Developments

This probably looks quite confusing. It might be better to put it into a spreadsheet.

A few of these names piqued my interest. I was curious about the unusually titled Barrow Echo and Barrow Gamma. Wherever I see number sequences, colour sequences or other logical name progressions in company names, I always take a closer look. But I will come back to that later.







5 responses to “Liam Carroll's complex web”

  1. topgold avatar

    It's not difficult uncovering registered daughter companies in Ireland that pay invoices for services to their parents and siblings. The CRO barred several Y2K directors for that practise six years ago.

  2. Thriftcriminal avatar

    get freemind (a freeware mind mapper tool), that'll make it easy to construct.

  3. jmcd33 avatar

    Just heard.
    The developers are back! The recession is over!
    Treasury holdings are leading the Parlon posse!
    A non bankrupt outfit that would be technically bankrupt if it was put into liquidation is spearheading the Celtic Tiger Revival.
    I feel like Alice in Wonderland.Nothing is what I perceive it to be anymore.My head is reeling.
    Ballymun apartments development/ redevelopment /renewal going ahead!
    Thousands of new jobs!
    What great news.
    No more half finished projects
    “abandoned to the field and to the sky ”
    (I have already written about this outfit ,Johnny Rohan etc.and the Phoenix Magazine has the full and fascinating story)
    Fully finished projects will replace abandoned projects.
    Clients for these new apartment, retail and office blocks?
    Where is the money coming from to finish? has Anglo Irish opened its vaults, re furbished with all that government money/IOU´s/Euros from Europe?
    The country is dying but the monuments to its demise will all be finished.
    A new Cenotaph for Ballymun today.
    Tomorrow the docklands, next week somewhere else.
    “Build and be damned”
    (dont build and be still be damned)
    Back to normal.Thank God for NAMA., (and Fianna Fail).
    By the way Ballymun IS dead.!
    Long live “Spring Cross”!
    Three cheers for Treasury Holdings and Spring Cross.!
    Jes*s! Goebbels could not make it up..
    (Neither could Lewis Carroll)

  4. jmcd33 avatar

    tirnanog33 says in case everybody did not spot my previous post on the outfit who have hit the headlines today re “Spring Cross” I re post it here. I must be prescient. Ditto Phoenix Magazine.We never knew that Fianna Fail & Treasury were preparing this big happening..anyway here is interesting data on the mover and shaker developers in “Spring Cross”(sic):

    “Great article in Phoenix Magazine 11 Sept issue re developer highflyers: Real Estate Opportunities;Treasury Holdings; (REO)- Johnny Rohan & pal Dick Barret. Paid 660million Euros for Batersea Power Station in London wastelands/docklands three years ago. Its good for grazing goats for the foreseeable future.If it were sold today it would likely take a 500 million hit and drive the company (REO) into immediate liquidation!
    30 % haircuts my backside!
    Seems that a subsidiary of REO CREO (Chinese property investments) returned a pre tax loss of 200 m sterling in the year to June 2009.
    but the two boys are still taking out investment/management fees (52 million from CREO last year, (whose shareholders are almost wiped out!) and through Treasury Holdings they are taking another 15 million sterling in similiar “management fees” annualy.!
    The Phoenix says that if NAMA is put on life support by NAMA it would probably not interfere with any of these management charges and the two boys would continue to benefit handsomely at the expense of the taxpayer.
    I woder who put that piece in the media two weeks ago that all develpers would be “pursued vigorously” and would lose everything and would end up in “social housing”? hilarious.
    So they will end up in one of their own houses which -according to a recent article in the media-the government is going to lease long term (presumably from their own NAMA quango), for 20 million Euros for some of the unfortunate families on the enormous waiting list (52,000and counting)
    so the government will “lease” -out of the NAMA managed property empire-some of the “cold storage” empty housing estates belonging to “should be bankrupt but are not bankrupt “developers?
    When the upturn arrives can wepresume that the government will then give back the developers their deep frozen assets so they can sell them on into a once more profitable marketplace?
    Otherwise why not just bankrupt sufficient developers now to provide instant social housing unencumbered by complicated leasing arrangements of the most convoluted kind imaginable?
    Can anybody smarter than I explain that one for me?”
    Question is will NAMA now save Treasury by leasing from Johnny Rohan & Richard Barret the 600 odd apartments being built in Spring Cross for social housing?
    Instead of bankrupting them and getting the apartments for a song-will they use more NAMA funny money to refinance/save treasury from ruin.?
    Clearly Treasury will not get any money from anybody without a state “guarantee” that that money will be paid back!!
    Come on all you bright accountants out there tell me how this scam will work because Fianna Fail will have it gift wrapped for public consumption in some kind of a big LIE (sorry-untruth )
    It gets better by the day

  5. jmcd33 avatar

    A pity you wont get to do a forensic on the rest of the cans of worms that will be sheltered in the NAMA cocoon, Gavin.